rantings and such from a substitute teacher

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cats on a bed

I love cats.

If Jeremiah ever dies, I will definitely become a cat lady. Jeremiah has forbidden me to have more than two at the moment, so I must make due.

I love cats so much that when I was little I would sleep in the cat's box (not to be confused with the litterbox!). I would ride my bike with my favorite cat, Skutterbotch, on my back.

I even let them sleep on my side of the bed. If one of them is on there when I go to bed, I just push her aside. Sometimes I will wake up and there is a cat sleeping next to me. It is adorable. Most days they don't sleep at the same time as me, though...except last night.

I woke up at about 6am to go to the bathroom and not one, but BOTH cats decided to flank me in my sleep. Not only did they sleep next to me, they also made themselves as LONG as possible. When I awoke, I was on my side with about an inch or less clearance on either side. Meanwhile, each cat was taking up more room than I was! 

Allow me to illustrate:

Not only did they invade my sleeping space, they also managed to take up as much space as possible. Had they lain parallel there would be no problem, but instead I was squished on the bed while everyone else had the most space in the world!

I guess I should train my kitties to sleep parallel next time, or at least in those cute little curly ball shapes.

On a separate note...SPRING BREAK!!!!! woo!!!!


  1. and you had NO ROOM on a CALIFORNIA KING BED?
    I don't think they even MAKE a bigger bed than that!!

  2. No, because the cats decided to sleep SO CLOSE TO ME and squish me!
