rantings and such from a substitute teacher

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Cleaning

It's summertime! As a teacher I finally have the time that I didn't during the school year...

Thus, "spring" cleaning becomes "summer" cleaning. This year it is compounded by a little psychotic episode people like to cute-ify by calling it "nesting".

So anyways, here I am at 11:00 at night pulling EVERYTHING off the shelves, going through all my clothes (I've gotten rid of 5 garbage bags full of clothes so far!) and organizing the HELL out of everything. I like organizing things, and giving everything a nice place and I like the idea of putting things into that nice place. 

However, I am also very very lazy, so usually what happens is I KNOW where things go, I just don't care.

Yes, this lovely shirt belongs on a hanger in my closet, but the living room floor is just so much closer.

Yes, this book has a spot right on the bookshelf when I finish reading it, but this stack of read books on the bedside table is getting impressively tall. I think I'll just add to the Jenga book tower.

So you see, with my laziness it is a never-ending battle. But the thing that is different this year is the SUPER-organizing part. I'm going through boxes of papers that I have had since high school. Books that I got for free years ago and never read and never intend to read. I inherited hoarding from my grandma (she has about 50 packages of jello in her pantry, and had about 5 black garbage bags full of those empty cookie tins you get at Christmastime), and my mother (not quite as bad, but still her voice nags me in my head whenever I think about throwing stuff away... "YOU CAN STILL USE THIS JOSIE!!!"). Not only must I battle the laziness, I must also battle the packratiness.

I ended up throwing a lot of stuff away, and giving away more stuff. I decided to keep some of my "memories" from school, particularly high school and community college. Aside from a bunch of inappropriate drawings done during extremely boring math classes, I also had some funny (maybe just to me) notes and comics.

Next time I will share something from community college. I started writing down funny quotes people would say...so if you went to GHC with me, you might be featured in my posting! 

Now for some coffee.

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